Family Support
Enhancing Life Chances by Bringing Communities Together in Handsworth
Our Family Support team are helping to connect children, families and young people to additional support in times of need. Sponsored by Birmingham Children’s Trust and in partnership with Spurgeon’s Children’s Charity we are working to bring organisations together across our community in the Perry Barr Locality.
We are here to help families in need of support living in Handsworth, Aston, Birchfield, Handsworth Wood, Holyhead, Kingstanding, Lozells, Newtown, Oscott and Perry Barr.
If you need support, please contact us - Deborah Bonnique, Education and Engagement Manager & Community Connector, 07951 091415 (Mon to Thursday 9:30am to 4:30pm)
Family Support
Some families need support from more than one professional. We no longer make referrals for early help, but connect and work together to support families, continuing to build relationships and supporting a range of needs of all family members.
To get support for a child, young people or a family, please complete the Family Connect form for Professionals.
Family Connect Form - for Professionals
(If you cannot download the form you may need to contact your own IT admin for permission to gain access or remove firewalls).
If you are a parent then please complete the Family Connect form for self-identification.
Family Connect Form - Self Identification
Please give us as much information as you can as this helps our team get you the right support.
We also offer a range of training opportunities for professionals working with families to inform further about the Family Support offer and an increasing range of other opportunities.
Perry Barr early help training
Perry Barr Early Help
View our Events on
Coming Soon
Please check our support directory for details of lots of free support available for children, young people and families in the Perry Barr locality. If you need help accessing support, please speak to your relevant nursery, school or college, or contact the Community Connector Team.
From Birmingham With Love is another great support directory, covering issues such as local food banks, mental health support, financial help and domestic abuse and more.
Further Resources
A grant guide for professionals working with families in need | DOWNLOAD |
SEND | |
The Birmingham Local Offer will provide you with support and information on special educational needs. | VISIT |
The ADHD Foundation works to improve emotional wellbeing, education, behaviour and life changes through a better understanding of ADHD | VISIT |
The ‘CDC resources’ inbox, is designed to enable parent carers, sector professionals and practitioners to share resources, to support families of children and young people with SEND | CONTACT |
Autism West Midlands use passion and expertise to enrich the lives of people on the autistic spectrum and those who care for them. | VISIT |
Resources for Autism provide practical services for children and adults on the autistic spectrum and for those who love and care for them. | VISIT |
The Girl with The Curly Hair: The Curly Hair Project was founded by autistic author and entrepreneur Alis Rowe to support people on the autistic spectrum and those around them. | VISIT |
Sibs is a charity supporting siblings of children with a range of difficulties including SEN, autism or other serious long term condition. They offer information and advice to parents and professionals on who to support siblings | VISIT |
Birmingham Carers Centre provides support, information and advice to people who care for friends and family with disabilities | VISIT |
For young people aged 11-25 there are forums, guides and counselling available at Kooth. | VISIT |
If your child 0-25 needs support, get in touch with Pause by email or by calling 0207 841 4470. | EMAIL PHONE |
Adults can get support from MIND by calling 0121 262 3555. | VISIT PHONE |
Bereavement support- get help by calling 0121 687 8010 or from Cruse. | VISIT PHONE |
For urgent help call Forward Thinking Birmingham on 0300 300 0099 | VISIT PHONE |
Family Lives. This website provides support and advice to parents of children who have challenging behaviour. Click here for more information. |
Children’s Information and Advice Service (CIAS) A free, confidential and impartial advice, support and guidance on all aspects of child care and a wide range of services that support children, young people and families. |
Birmingham Community Healthcare | VISIT |
Sense provide support in helping people communicating and expressing themselves no matter how complex their disability. | VISIT |
Multi-sensory resource pack An information resource for parents and carers of children who have a multi-sensory impairment. (This may be a large pdf file to download) | DOWNLOAD |
The charity SEED is and Eating Disorder Support Service and can offer a range of support and guidance | VISIT |
BID Services are a charity who work in partnership with children, young people, adults and their families/carers who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired or have a dual sensory loss. | VISIT |
Sleep. Cerebra This website provides advice on how to get a better night’s sleep. |
Links to resources recommended by the UK government | VISIT |
Women’s Aid | VISIT |
Refuge | VISIT |
Advice UK | VISIT |
Samaritans: 01902 426 422 (24 hours a day) | VISIT PHONE |
Citizens Advice Bureau: 01902 572 006 | VISIT PHONE |
Male Domestic Violence Advice Line: 0808 801 0327 | PHONE |
We offer our own food bank for families in Handsworth but there are also food banks across Birmingham that are here to help. Click this button to find a foodbank near you. | VISIT |
Bernardo's Birmingham Forward Steps (Edgbaston) | VISIT |
Bernardo's Birmingham Forward Steps (Ladywood) | VISIT |
Erdington Children's Centres | VISIT |
If you are worried about a child, please call Birmingham’s Children's Advice and Support Service on 0121 303 1888. | PHONE |
In an emergency, including child abuse, contact the Police on 999. You can also chat to the Police by clicking this button. | VISIT |
Funders & Partners
Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners