Our very own Debz Bonnique chosen to be a Baton Bearer for the Queens Baton Relay
Our very own Debz Bonnique chosen to be a Baton Bearer for the Queens Baton Relay
Our very own Debz Bonnique chosen to be a Baton Bearer for the Queens Baton Relay
Birmingham 2022 is staging the 16th official Queen’s Baton Relay – an epic journey across the Commonwealth, with The Queen’s Baton visiting all 72 nations and territories.
Deborah Bonnique, our Education and Engagement Manager was nominated for all of her work within schools and the local community to carry the Baton on part of its jurney through Birmingham
The Relay began on 7 October 2021, with Her Majesty The Queen placing her Message to the Commonwealth into the Baton. The Baton is now on its 294-day long journey to every corner of the Commonwealth.
This collective journey will ignite hope, solidarity and collaboration, as it connects communities embraces unique cultures and shares inspirational stories.
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Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners

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