A grant guide for professionals working with families in need | DOWNLOAD |
SEND | |
The Birmingham Local Offer will provide you with support and information on special educational needs. | VISIT |
The ADHD Foundation works to improve emotional wellbeing, education, behaviour and life changes through a better understanding of ADHD | VISIT |
The ‘CDC resources’ inbox, CDCresources@ncb.org.uk is designed to enable parent carers, sector professionals and practitioners to share resources, to support families of children and young people with SEND | CONTACT |
Autism West Midlands use passion and expertise to enrich the lives of people on the autistic spectrum and those who care for them. | VISIT |
Resources for Autism provide practical services for children and adults on the autistic spectrum and for those who love and care for them. | VISIT |
The Girl with The Curly Hair: The Curly Hair Project was founded by autistic author and entrepreneur Alis Rowe to support people on the autistic spectrum and those around them. | VISIT |
Sibs is a charity supporting siblings of children with a range of difficulties including SEN, autism or other serious long term condition. They offer information and advice to parents and professionals on who to support siblings | VISIT |
Birmingham Carers Centre provides support, information and advice to people who care for friends and family with disabilities | VISIT |
For young people aged 11-25 there are forums, guides and counselling available at Kooth. | VISIT |
If your child 0-25 needs support, get in touch with Pause by email or by calling 0207 841 4470. | EMAIL PHONE |
Adults can get support from MIND by calling 0121 262 3555. | VISIT PHONE |
Bereavement support- get help by calling 0121 687 8010 or from Cruse. | VISIT PHONE |
For urgent help call Forward Thinking Birmingham on 0300 300 0099 | VISIT PHONE |
Family Lives. This website provides support and advice to parents of children who have challenging behaviour. Click here for more information. |
Children’s Information and Advice Service (CIAS) A free, confidential and impartial advice, support and guidance on all aspects of child care and a wide range of services that support children, young people and families. |
Birmingham Community Healthcare | VISIT |
Sense provide support in helping people communicating and expressing themselves no matter how complex their disability. | VISIT |
Multi-sensory resource pack An information resource for parents and carers of children who have a multi-sensory impairment. (This may be a large pdf file to download) | DOWNLOAD |
The charity SEED is and Eating Disorder Support Service and can offer a range of support and guidance | VISIT |
BID Services are a charity who work in partnership with children, young people, adults and their families/carers who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired or have a dual sensory loss. | VISIT |
Sleep. Cerebra This website provides advice on how to get a better night’s sleep. |
Links to resources recommended by the UK goverment | VISIT |
Women’s Aid | VISIT |
Refuge | VISIT |
Advice UK | VISIT |
Samaritans: 01902 426 422 (24 hours a day) | VISIT PHONE |
Citizens Advice Bureau: 01902 572 006 | VISIT PHONE |
Male Domestic Violence Advice Line: 0808 801 0327 | PHONE |
We offer our own food bank for families in Handsworth but there are also food banks across Birmingham that are here to help. Click this button to find a foodbank near you. | VISIT |
Funders & Partners
Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners