Meet Our Trustees


    Meet Our Trustees


    Meet Our Trustees

Our Trustees

handsworth association of schools logo
Eddie Wright

Eddie Wright

Hi, I’m Eddie, I’ve been a trustee since 2016. I’m an entrepreneur with over 25 years I.T. experience, setting up and running three multi-million pound turnover IT companies in the 90’s and early 2000’s.

I endeavour to ensure HAOS has the continued and flexible capability to deliver on their life-changing projects/programmes that the adults of the future will find rewarding. That they will build on the proud multi-cultural heritage of Handsworth and the surrounding areas, ensuring parents and children have the necessary support to tackle issues surrounding language, poverty, crime, racial discrimination, access to health and everyday living.

Ivora Ferreira-Bean

Ivora Ferreira-Bean

Hello there, I’m Ivora. I currently work as a Locality Team Manager for Birmingham Children’s Trust covering the Handsworth Perry Barr District, managing the Family support service.

The Handsworth Association of schools has worked intensively to support children in Handsworth, especially those who are vulnerable. It is a pleasure and delight to sit on the board of trustees, with a fantastic group of people who share the same vision to support children to enjoy their education achieved and make a positive contribution to their community.

Eddie Edmead

Eddie Edmead

Greetings, I’m Eddie Edmead. I am currently the Major Grants Manager for “Your Trust Charity”, which is the official charity for Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust.

Alison Taylor

Alison Taylor

Hi, I’m Alison Taylor. I have been part of Handsworth Association of Schools as an education practitioner for over 20 years and a member of the board since 2018. I am currently the Head Teacher at Cherry Orchard Primary School in Handsworth Wood.

I deeply appreciate the value of working with other schools and services for the educational benefit and wellbeing of all pupils and their families, and the development of school staff at all levels. The work of Handsworth Association of Schools in this respect led me to support as a trustee.

Bogusia Matusiak Varley

Bogusia Matusiak Varley

Hello, I’m Dr Bogusia. I am the owner of Bogusia TQM Ltd, the Director of Gulf Education Services and the founder and co-director of Top Quality Marque (UK) Ltd.

Funders & Partners

Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners

Funders Tile
Lottery Community Fund
Birmingham City Council
National Grid
Energy Savings Trust
LGK in the Community
Partners TIle
The Great Imagining logo
Aston Villa Logo
House of Fairytales
Diwali Basket
Rotary Club
Legacy West Midlands logo

Previous Significant Funders

Previous Funders

BBC Children In Need
hm gov community fund
Police Crime Commission
Reduce Violence
Ernest Cook
Sandwell and Birmingham Hospital Trusts
NHS University Hospital Birmingham
near neighbours
Heart of England Building Society
Heritage Lottery Fund
Asda logo
Commonwealth Games logo