School Networks


    School Networks


    School Networks

School Networks

handsworth association of schools logo

School Improvement Networks

HAOS manages a number of professional networks. Staff working in schools can join to connect and share their information and experiences. Groups meet regularly throughout the year with professionals from all over Handsworth and provide invaluable peer-to-peer support to help with a wide range of educational issues.

Head Teachers Consortium Network

handsworth association of schools logo

Sharing plans and ideas for problem solving

Twice termly meetings are hosted at the Welford Hub that include helpful offers to local schools from Birmingham Education Partnership, Children’s Trust, Education Empowerment Foundation (EEF),and HAOS. The meetings provide an opportunity for headteachers to share plans and ideas for problem solving. Recently, there has been a major focus on the impact on schools’ and schools’ staff, of changes to the BCC support arrangements for schools, and governance arrangements relating to how schools consortia relate to the Children’s Trust.

SENCO Network

handsworth association of schools logo

Support schools, children and families in exploring funding opportunities

Much of the work this year has focused on the DLP project which provides funding linked to targets for SEND pupils. HAOS has supported the Handsworth Schools’ Consortium in helping engage more local schools and ensuring best practice is shared to as many schools as possible. Schools continue to share with each other and with Birmingham City Council and Children’s Trust, how the pressures of working with so many children with additional needs impacts the school’s staff and children HAOS is keen to find ways to support schools, children and families and has been exploring funding opportunities.

Pastoral Network

handsworth association of schools logo

Pastoral care is becoming increasingly crucial in primary schools

Because of the range of pressures and dangers that children can face. Our Pastoral Care Network has been an opportunity for local Pastoral Staff to meet termly in a supportive environment to network and meet fellow colleagues. One recent meeting focused on maximizing school attendance including updates on attendance codes and fines for non-attendance. An increasing number of children in local schools are living in temporary accommodation and this can impact on the ability to travel to and attend school.

EYFS Network

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Complementing Citywide Provision

The EYFS network meets regularly and aims to complement citywide EYFS provision. We are evolving our EYFS information and will offer and update presently.

Business Managers Network

handsworth association of schools logo

Responding to Change

A new network of business managers was formed this year and this is providing a valuable forum to share good practice and ideas between schools. Schools’ managers have been working together to explore how they can respond to the changes necessary following decisions by Birmingham City Council to remove the oracle financial support and HR facility used by Birmingham Schools.

Moderation Support

handsworth association of schools logo

Termly Moderation Support

HAOS offers termly moderation support sessions for key stage 1 and 2 teachers as part of our comprehensive package of joint moderation sessions. This is an opportunity for teachers to come together and familiarise themselves with standardisation documents and pick apart the relevant teacher assessment frameworks, so they gain a greater understanding of what IS expected of their student writers. Teachers support each other in moderating their pupils' writing and share good practice. The sessions help to Improve teacher confidence in making evidenced judgements that allowed them to say, "They've met the standard!"


"It was useful to have conversations from actual moderators." Teacher Grove School.

"It was good to share moderation ideas and look at each others books to compare books." Teacher -Welford Primary School

"The session gave me the chance to have professional discussions with other teachers that have previously been moderated." Teacher - William Murdoch Primary

Children studying Moderation support

Funders & Partners

Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners

Funders Tile
Lottery Community Fund
Birmingham City Council
National Grid
Energy Savings Trust
LGK in the Community
Partners TIle
Fare Share
The Great Imagining logo
Aston Villa Logo
House of Fairytales
Diwali Basket
Rotary Club
Legacy West Midlands logo

Previous Significant Funders

Previous Funders

BBC Children In Need
hm gov community fund
Police Crime Commission
Reduce Violence
Ernest Cook
Sandwell and Birmingham Hospital Trusts
NHS University Hospital Birmingham
near neighbours
Heart of England Building Society
Heritage Lottery Fund
Commonwealth Games logo

Our Schools

Handsworth Association of Schools Schools Network

Anglesey Primary School
Benson Community School
Broadway Academy
Canterbury Cross Primary School
Cherry Orchard Primary School
Grestone Academy
Grove School
Hamilton School
Hamstead Hall Academy
Handsworth Wood Girls Academy
Holyhead School
James Watt Primary School
Oasis Academy Foundry
Rookery School
Shaw Hill
St. Augustine's Catholic School
St. Clare's Catholic Primary School
St. James CE Primary School
St. Matthew's CE Primary
St. Michael's CE Primary School
Wattville Primary School
Welford Road Primary School
Westminster Primary School
William Murdoch Primary

Anglesey Primary School

Anglesey Primary School school logo

Anglesey Primary School

School Principal
P. Doddridge


School Roll
Pupils, Primary

Together We Make a Difference

Benson Community School

Benson Community School school logo

Benson Community School

School Principal
Mrs Dennis


School Roll

There are no limits to what you can achieve

Broadway Academy

Broadway Academy school logo

Broadway Academy

School Principal
Mrs. Skelton


School Roll
1210 Pupils, Secondary, sixth form

Our children, our community, believe it can be done!

Canterbury Cross Primary School

Canterbury Cross Primary School school logo

Canterbury Cross Primary School

School Principal
Mr. Din


School Roll
490 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Where bright futures begin

Cherry Orchard Primary School

Cherry Orchard Primary School school logo

Cherry Orchard Primary School

School Principal
Miss Taylor


School Roll
480 Pupils, Nursery, primary

We care, we learn, we suceed

Grestone Academy

Grestone Academy school logo

Grestone Academy

School Principal
Mr. Bird


School Roll
580 Pupils, Primary

Grove School

Grove School school logo

Grove School

School Principal
Mrs. Matty


School Roll
688 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Enjoy, learn, achieve

Hamilton School

Hamilton School school logo

Hamilton School

School Principal
Mr. Harris


School Roll
122 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Striving to be a school where people work together to change lives

Hamstead Hall Academy

Hamstead Hall Academy school logo

Hamstead Hall Academy

School Principal
Mr Mortimer and Mr Farar


School Roll
1093 Pupils, Secondary, sixth form

Success for All through Hard Work and Harmony

Handsworth Wood Girls Academy

Handsworth Wood Girls Academy school logo

Handsworth Wood Girls Academy

School Principal
Mr Qamar Riaz


School Roll

Holyhead School

Holyhead School school logo

Holyhead School

James Watt Primary School

James Watt Primary School school logo

James Watt Primary School

School Principal
Mrs Deacon-Dyer and Mrs Hammond


School Roll
485 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Every Child Matters

Oasis Academy Foundry

Oasis Academy Foundry school logo

Oasis Academy Foundry

School Principal
Mrs. Johnson


School Roll
219 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Rookery School

Rookery School school logo

Rookery School

School Principal
Mrs. Loane and Mrs. Balan


School Roll
471 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Shaw Hill

Shaw Hill school logo

Shaw Hill

School Principal
Mr N. Bhatti


School Roll
Pupils, Primary

Success For All

St. Augustine's Catholic School

St. Augustine's Catholic School school logo

St. Augustine's Catholic School

School Principal
Mrs. Stanley


School Roll
244 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Live, Love and Learn with Jesus

St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

St. Clare's Catholic Primary School school logo

St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

School Principal
Mrs. Rivett


School Roll
352 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Mission Statement: We welcome everyone into our community in order to live, love and learn together in the light and example of the life of Christ

St. James CE Primary School

St. James CE Primary School school logo

St. James CE Primary School

School Principal
Miss S Cross


School Roll

St. Matthew's CE Primary

St. Matthew's CE Primary school logo

St. Matthew's CE Primary

School Principal


School Roll
Pupils, primary

St. Michael's CE Primary School

St. Michael's CE Primary School school logo

St. Michael's CE Primary School

School Principal
Miss Johnson


School Roll
184 Pupils, Primary

Today we inspire; tomorrow we create; together we shine

Wattville Primary School

Wattville Primary School school logo

Wattville Primary School

School Principal
Mrs J. Roach


School Roll
Pupils, Primary

Welford Road Primary School

Welford Road Primary School school logo

Welford Road Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed

Westminster Primary School

Westminster Primary School school logo

Westminster Primary School

School Principal
Mr. Samad


School Roll
474 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Nurturing Minds... Inspiring Excellence

William Murdoch Primary

William Murdoch Primary school logo

William Murdoch Primary

School Principal
Mr. Singh


School Roll
685 Pupils, Nursery, primary

Scientia Mentem Luminat